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Brisbane – Elementary Aspects of Canonical Chinese Medicine

ICEAM Brisbane 23 Victoria St., Clayfield

Course Details Dates: 29-30th April Location: 23 Victoria St, Clayfield Queensland 4011, Australia Times: 9-5pm Lecturer: Tyler Rowe This is a live and in person event to launch the Shang Han Lun in Australia series. Pricing Full price: AUD $880 Early bird price: AUD$770 (includes GST, ends 8th April) Course Description “The Shanghan Zabing Lun as the Clinical Application of Neijing Theory, Bencao Jing Herbs and Tangye Jing Formulas, and Its Application by the Tian Lineage® of Canonical Formulas.” Canonical Chinese Medicine is the style of Chinese medicine practiced along the tenets codified in the Western and Eastern Han dynasty (approx. 200 BC- 200 CE) medical classics or canons. It is the foundation of both clinical and theoretical Chinese medicine as we know it. Canonical Chinese medicine is comprised of two main schools being the Yellow Emperor huangdi 黄帝school of Medical Canons yijing pai 醫經派and the Divine Farmer shennong 神农school of Canonical Formulas jingfang pai经方派. As an exemplary work of canonical Chinese medicine, study of the Treatise on Cold Damage and Complex Diseases shanghan zabing lun (Shanghan Lun and Jingui Yaolue) reveals the original identity of our clinical medicine, and displays all aspects of Han and pre-Han medical science in high […]