Home Forums Diplomate Discussion Infected Teeth & Ears, and Menopause Case

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    • #7191
      Lettie de Wit

      Female 52 years old. Main complaint: chronic infections of radix teeth and ear infections; painful stiff muscles of the neck, shoulders and back; tired. Bowel movements are daily, but not feeling complete and a tendency to become loose; bloated belly and flatulence. Urination: for longer time is more dark and cloudy, but w/ a normal stream and force. Can become dizzy. Feels cold, but can have hot flushes and nightsweats; dry mouth. Sleep can be bit restlessness, but overall pretty good. Menses has started to get irregular. Duration is always 9 days w/ diffuculty starting with darker blood. PMS ++ (tensed breasts, headache, irritation, etc). She has a distended abdomen, pi, deep under ribs stagnated, oketsu ++. I started with CHGZGJT because of mid thin wiry L guan and deep weak tight R cun and bigger weak R guan. After two weaks switched to CHGZGJT – Hqin, + MDP/BS. Nightsweats and dry mouth dissapeared. Her urine still feels warmer and is darker and cloudy. Last week of using the herbs her bowels got blocked, and she got abdominal cramps. L 1. Deep weak, minimal tight. Possibly dong I/II. 2. Mid thin wiry. 3. Deep weak tight, minimal slippery. R 1. Deep weak tight, roll up. 2. A bit bigger, weak. 3. Very deep weak wiry-tight. There is heat in the fluid layer (besides the overall deficiency). I must first deal with that problem…I’m not sure about the Dong, but looks like there is some stagnation in the belly also. Don’t know how to continue….Thanks for your help!

    • #7926

      If the patient still has abdominal pain and constipation, then DCHT. Otherwise SJXXT + GZRST.

    • #8147
      Lettie de Wit

      Ok thanks Aaron. Abdominal pain has stopped, so then I will continue with SJXXT + GZRST. Must I keep the HQin in because of the dark urination?

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