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    • #7207
      Andrea Anderson

      Herpes Case. I have a patient that gets occasional herpes outbreaks. Sores almost always in her inguinal area. Patient has a form of ovarian cancer that is actually in the serous fluid and a metastasis showed up in her peritoneal cavity which has since been removed. Was on an experimental drug that reduced her blood markers of the cancer and now is not on the drug and on monthly monitoring. Pulse overall is deep, faint. Cuns are thin wiry and R chi wiry. I didn’t catch if it was slow or rapid – I think maybe neither. Overall patient takes very good care of herself: sleeps well; eats well; doesn’t have as much energy as she use to; digestion is a little sensitive after Thanksgiving; doesn’t complain of sweating. Faint red on her cheeks. Hands and feet are red left over from the anti-cancer drug with still a little numbness on her feet (feels more like a tugging or as if how a sock feels under her skin). Would this be Shengma Biejia Tang?

    • #7844

      Is the herpes in a active flaring stage?

    • #7843
      Stephen Bonzak

      Treating a seizure case. They occur daily. Hands are freezing cold, but can have some cold sweat. Gets anxious easily, and hands clamp up/get tight with seizures. Previously a DXWT -BS plus TXS plus GZRST cut them in half. After awhile stopped working. I think okay because we went from a shoayin to a jueyin pulse. Left guan exp and right cun tight. Possibly bigger right guan. I gave DGSNJWZYSJT. Are both XMT and HSHS also possible? Even though I know not standard, could HSHS have a DG pulse? It’s supposed to have all weak, but action on right cun.

    • #8179
      Andrea Anderson

      Sores are present.

    • #8180

      Is it the left cun thin wiry or right cun thin wiry?

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