Instructor, Chicago ICEAM
Clinical Supervisor

David Toone is the founder and director of Red Earth Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine clinic in Atlanta, GA. He holds a BA from Utah State University, and a Juris Doctor from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, in Sacramento, CA. He received his Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) from the Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College (AIMC) in Berkeley, CA.

Prior to the start of his career in medicine in 2004, he worked in telecommunications regulation for a technology startup in San Francisco and Amsterdam. After commencing graduate school in Berkeley, he also began studying acupuncture and moxibustion with Dr. Anryu Iwashina (aka ‘Dr. Bear’), learning the palpation methods of this lineage of blind practitioners from Japan.

David was further introduced to classical herbalism through studying the works of the late Taiwanese Dr. Ni Haisha and consecutively his brother Dr. Ni Boshi. He enrolled in the Canonical Chinese Medicine training with Dr. Arnaud Versluys in Chicago in 2011, and ultimately earned his certification as Diplomate in 2013. He became one of the very first Clinical Fellows of the Institute in 2015. Because he knows the importance of constantly calibrating his clinical skills to his teachers’, he actively continues to study with both Drs. Versluys and Iwashina.

David is a member of the Atlanta Soto Zen Center, and teaches the martial art of Shorinji Kempo. As such, because of his extensive Japan experience, David became assistant-instructor of Japanese abdominal diagnosis Fukushin, for ICEAM and assists teaching this art in North America.